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    Episode 7 How is RFID Tech Being Leveraged in the Clinical Supply Chain Setting?

    In this episode, we jump into a conversation between Cory Turner, senior director of Healthcare Strategy at Tecsys, and Keith Hoffman from Terso Solutions, an RFID inventory management solution provider, to examine how RFID technologies are leveraged in the clinical setting and explore the business drivers behind them.

    Today, most healthcare organizations are managing supplies using outdated information technology systems that cannot communicate with one another and rely on manual keying across procurement, inventory, transcription and replenishment systems. With RFID technology as an established best practice, there continues to be both a cost and a benefit; so what is the net impact of RFID technology-based solutions? 

    Our guest, Keith Hoffman, discusses how RFID technology helps with automating error-prone processes, mitigating loss in the cold chain, recovering labor and providing comfort when that dreaded JCAHO audit comes around.  

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